Thursday, August 23, 2012

Kurt Steele - Personal Development Tip #1 - Law of Association

I am embark on a journey today in the law of attraction. I have joined a private business club in Silicon Valley and amazing success has been attracting to me because of the law of association. A few weeks ago, I met a a gentleman who said he had to get 10 million dollars and he was going to go get that amount. I was struck by his confidence, power, and lack of worry. He said something that really impacted me. He said, "There is more money available than ever and he was just going to go get some..." I compared this posture to my daily battles and realized that there was abundance everywhere I looked...I just had to look. This unlocked an amazing reality to me and I have been looking for abundance everywhere. I began to act "as if" it were reality and wake up every day looking for possibilities instead of scarcity. My attitude shifted to gratitude and magical things began to happen. How is your attitude right now? What opportunities are open for you today? Who can you associate with who has everything you want? Kurt Steele Personal Development Coach

Sunday, May 29, 2011

Personal Development Coach Tip #1 - by Kurt Steele

Read!  Readers are leaders.  This statement is simple but it is filled with a money back guarantee.  Great men and women are readers and therefor leaders.  A book is a simple way to educate yourself and give your life to learning.  Life long learners pass up the average people in life and books lead the way to excellence in performance and knowledge.  Learn to love to read and read about every subject just read.  Read books on personal development and learn from the experts in the field.  Learn from Jim Rohn and Brian Tracy on the subject of setting goals.  Learn from Stephen Covey and David Allen about Time Management.  The library is one of the best personal development coaches in the world.  Botttom line read, read, read!